Keepme CEO Ian Mullane set to demystify AI at Active Uprising event

by admin2  - January 24, 2024

Keepme, a leader in AI-driven solutions for the fitness industry, has announced that CEO Ian Mullane will be a featured speaker at Active Uprising, ukactive’s flagship event at London’s prestigious QEII Centre on 1 February.

Ian is a respected thought leader, white paper author, and regular keynote speaker at industry events globally. He is also, notably, a GymNation Board member and member of the ukactive Digital Futures Council. Having experience as both an operator and a supplier, he has a singular ability to first understand the challenges faced by the fitness sector, and illustrate the ways in which technology can neutralize them.

The session will aim to demystify the emerging technologies in AI, focusing on practical examples of their deployment within the Public Leisure Sector specifically. He will also address potential implications that AI may have on the workforce, as well as share some of his own predictions around where this new technology will take the fitness industry in 2024.

With a commitment to advancing education around technology, Keepme has been a proud member of ukactive’s Digital Futures program, aligning with their mission to encourage more physical activity across the UK. Ian is delivering this session at Active Uprising as a dedicated member of the Digital Futures Council.

“As vocal advocates for innovation within the fitness industry, Keepme is honored to contribute to the Active Uprising event by sharing insights on the transformative potential of AI. The Public Leisure Sector plays a pivotal role in promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle among people here in the UK, and there is no denying that embracing AI can unlock significant gains for operators” said Ian Mullane, CEO of Keepme. “Our recent formalized partnership with Gladstone software is set to facilitate the availability of AI predictive models for UK Leisure operators who are ready to innovate and embrace the advances that are now available to them.” he continued.

Active Uprising’s purpose is to inspire operators within the public leisure sector, and enable a bringing together of industry leaders, in order to connect and engage through thought-provoking sessions led by forward-thinking individuals. The event aims to foster a collaborative environment to fulfill ukactive’s mission of promoting physical activity. Keepme is excited to be part of this event, leading the charge around education on AI and its practical applications.

Alongside the thought leadership, educational portion of the event, it will also be a chance to network and connect with people and organizations from across the industry.

“Active Uprising is a date in the calendar everyone in the sector looks to with great excitement so for it to come around this soon in 2024 is brilliant. We made invaluable connections at the last event in Birmingham that went on to be excellent implementations of Keepme and while we aim to lead the conversation on emerging technologies, I am especially looking forward to hearing from more sector operators and learning about their plans for the year ahead.” – Jon Dickson, Keepme Director of sales EMEA

If you or your organization are interested in attending Ian’s session and the Active Uprising event, you can get your tickets here.

For more information about Keepme, visit


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